Presentation at DEXT Force Festival
Making impact with web3 tools Presentation of VinQ platform for scientific measurement of impact and incentivation. The VinQ platform stands out as a powerful tool [...]

Virtual wine concept presentation
Presentation of the concept of Virtual Wine together with wine tasting session by Celler Acoustic Customization of wine and exploration of the creative potential of [...]

Big data, Intel·ligència Artificial i agricultura sostenible. Com fer-ho?
Presentació En la darrera dècada, la digitalització de l’agricultura s’ha estès de forma accelerada. Això pot permetre l’aparició d’oportunitats per tal d’avançar més ràpid aprofitant [...]

Jornada De Viticultura
PROGRAMA DE LA JORNADA 08:30 BENVINGUDA I PRESENTACIÓ DE LA JORNADA A càrrec de Joan Pons Font i Josep Maria Vernet (CEVIPE Grup Cooperatiu - [...]

Vin-Q: Comunitat digital de viticultura intel·ligent
El Canvi Climàtic és el gran repte de l’agricultura, que s’afegeix a d’altres com les tensions de preus i costos en la cadena de valor, [...]

Presentation of Vin-Q project at Democracy for All (D4A) conference
Presentation of the project Vin-Q to Blockchain community and decentralization activists in Barcelona at Democracy for All, D4A 2022 conference. The presentation has followed by [...]

eNFT: Custodians of Cabernet, Carbon and the Countryside
Presentation of Vin-Q project in NFT.london 2022 conference dedicated to NFT.

Presentation of Vin-Q at 14th Cool Logistics Global 2022
Presentation of the project at Cool Logistics 2022 conference in WTC Barcelona with the following wine tasting session organized by Celler Avgvsvs Forum

Workshop on Decentralized Co-creation Concepts using Blockchain for Wine Industry
Constitution of Vin-Q meeting 27 June 2022 18:00 Mixer Arrival and get acquainted 20:00 Dinner at Mas Boronat 28 June 2022 08:00 Opening Opening [...]